51plus employees51plus employees

You have unique needs. We have unique solutions.

Your employees are unique and so are their healthcare needs. We have a variety of PPO plans and High Deductible Health Plans - one of which is sure to fit your company's needs.

Need something a little different?

We can customize plan benefits such as

  • deductibles
  • copays
  • out-of-pocket maximums


Let us provide the right plan for your company.

Contact us to discuss next steps, get a quote or for enrollment assistance.

Have questions before calling? See our FAQ page.

Eligibility Requirements


Group Eligibility

To be eligible for group coverage, an employer must:

  • Be licensed to operate and have employees located in the state of Alabama.
  • Have at least 51 eligible employees. An eligible employee is a full-time employee working on average a minimum of 30 hours a week as determined by the employer in accordance with the requirement of the Affordable Care Act (excluding independent contractors).

Minimum Health Requirements

At least 75% of eligible employees (excluding those with other Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama coverage) must be enrolled at all times. Of employees eligible for family coverage, 75% must be enrolled in family coverage.


The employer must contribute at least 50% of the individual rate toward each employee's coverage.


Minimum Dental Requirements

At least 25% (minimum of 2) of eligible employees must be enrolled at all times.

The employer may contribute between 0% and 100% of the individual rate toward each employee's coverage.